Dance Rehearsals – Unofficial Language

*Modelled after ‘Stunt Rehearsals in the BCMPA’*
The 4 clauses below outline all the language in the 2021-2024 BCMPA regarding Stunt Rehearsals (Italics have been added for emphasis of key words & phrases modified to be considered for Dance Rehearsals).

When a Dance Performer attends a meeting/rehearsal called by the Producer to discuss the feasibility and/or engineering of their dance, he or she shall be paid a consultation fee at the Performer’s contracted hourly rate for a minimum four (4) hour call. The foregoing fee will not be payable on days when such Dance Performer is engaged to perform said dance.

Performers may be called for Rehearsals which involve the reading of lines with blocking and other staging movements. Subject to the agreement of the Performers concerned, there may be temporary preservation of Rehearsal performance. Use of such preserved performance is prohibited. Further, the recording shall be destroyed when it has served its assessment function. (See also A2306 Rehearsal.)

Performers shall be compensated for time spent in Rehearsal at the Performer’s contracted hourly rate with a minimum two (4) hour call. [See also A345 (Rehearsal).]

Risk Performance

A347 Risk Performance

means the undertaking of any action by a Performer (other than a Stunt Performer engaged to perform a stunt or stunts) which could be considered dangerous and beyond the Performer’s general experience or the placing of the Performer in a position which would normally be considered hazardous.

A2501 Undertaking of Risk Performance Performers

shall not be required to undertake Risk Performances. Whenever possible, Producers shall engage qualified Stunt Performers to undertake such work. (a) Where it is not possible to engage a qualified Stunt Performer and other Performers are called upon to undertake a Risk or dangerous Performance they may: (i) negotiate an additional fee which shall not be less than the fee for a Stunt Performer; or (ii) refuse to perform the Risk or dangerous Performance but such Performers shall be paid fully for the engagement. (b) Notwithstanding any agreement to proceed, the parties reserve the right to review the circumstances and require that a stunt fee be paid. If the parties fail to agree, the matter may be referred to the Grievance Procedure.

Dressing Room and Sanitary Provisions

A2001 Dressing Room and Sanitary Provisions

(a) The Producer will provide the following facilities: (i) a supply of pure drinking water; (ii) a suitable seat for each Performer during rest periods; (iii) a stretcher or a cot of a type suitable for use as a stretcher; (iv) separate dressing room facilities for male and female Performers where they may change their clothing in privacy and comfort; (v) separate changing room facilities for Minors of each sex; (vi) a place of safekeeping (such as dressing rooms with adequate locks, lockers or a secured area) for checking normal personal belongings during working hours; (vii) clean and accessible toilets and washrooms; (viii) first aid equipment. (b) The Producer shall, where possible, provide for the exclusive use of Performers, clean and comfortable facilities (such as dressing rooms in studios and either trailers or motor homes on location) with reasonable temperature and adequate amount of space. (c) The Producer shall be responsible for damage to, or loss of the Performer’s normal personal belongings and/or wardrobe or property required by the Producer unless a place of safekeeping (see (vi) above) is provided adjacent to the set or location on which the Performers are required to work. Notice of such damage or loss shall be given to an authorised representative of the Producer at the time the loss is discovered but in no case more than twenty-four (24) hours after dismissal unless extenuating circumstances exist.

BCMPA Requirements for Nude Scenes

A2401 When the requirements of a Role involve nudity ,the following conditions apply: 

(a) Auditions (i) Performers shall be advised in advance of Auditions if nudity or simulated sexual activity is a requirement of the script. (ii) No Performer shall be required to appear nude or semi-nude until after they have been auditioned as a Performer (i.e.,as an Actor, Singer, Dancer ,etc.)and in any case shall not be required to disrobe in whole or in part at the first Audition. (iii) In the event that nude or semi-nude Auditions are to be held, the Producer must advise the Union in advance. (iv) When a callback Audition requires nudity or semi-nudity, the Performer shall be notified of this requirement in advance. (v) The nude or semi-nude Audition will be for the sole purpose of viewing the body. The Performers shall not be required to perform in the nude or semi-nude at the Audition. (vi) Such Auditions will be closed and will be limited to a maximum of five (5) persons who, it must be demonstrated, have a direct professional or artistic relationship to the Production and to the particular Audition. No other persons will be permitted to observe the auditions through the use of monitors or any other device that allows observation without being present. A representative of the Union may be present in addition to the five(5)Producer Representatives. (vii) No photos, filming, taping or preservation of the Audition,by any means whatsoever, will be permitted without the prior written consent of the Performers with written consent must be provided on a form approved by the Union. (viii)No sex acts shall be required by any Performer at any Audition. (ix)Performers will be required to Audition nude or semi-nude on one (1)occasion only. (b)Contracts (i) The Specific Requirements,including but not limited to the  exact nature of the nude or semi-nude scenes, the maximum degree of nudity required, the nature of attire (see-through clothes,etc.) and any other relevant information pertaining to the scene which may reasonably be expected to give a full, true and completed is closure of the nature of the nudity required must form part of the Performer’s written contract and must be submitted to the Performer in writing at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the signing of the Performer’s contract. In exceptional circumstances, when a Producer is required to replace a Performer who has been previously contracted for a nude scene on short notice (i.e.,within forty-eight (48) hours of said Performer’s first contracted day), then the aforementioned forty-eight (48) hour provision may be waived provided that all other conditions of A24 (NudeScenes) apply. (ii) Performers may refuse to do anything not specified in their contract without liability or forfeiture of any portion of the Contracted Fee. (iii) All Performers’ contracts must contain as a rider to such contracts all provisions of this Article. (iv) (A) The minimum fee for a Background Performer appearing nude in a scene shall be not less than that specified here in for an Actor, but such performance shall not attract Use Fees. (B) The minimum fee for any other Performer appearing nude in a scene shall not be less than that of a Principal Actor.

A2402 Rehearsal and Performance 

(a) With the exception of the final Rehearsal for camera and lighting, there will be no rehearsing in the nude or semi-nude. (b) During the final Rehearsal as in (a) above, and during the shooting of nude or semi-nude scenes, the set will be closed to all persons(and observation by means of monitor prohibited), except for those having a direct and proven professional need to be present. (c) Except for continuity purposes, still photos, Polaroids, etc. of nude or semi-nudescenes will be taken only if the Performer gives prior written consent, said consent to specify the nature of the photo and the planned use of said photo.Unused stills,Polaroids, etc. and negatives of such scenes will either be turned over to the Performer concerned or otherwise accounted for to the Performer’s Satisfaction. (d) Clips or stills of nude or semi-nude scenes shall not be used in promotion, publicity, trailers or in the case of television in recaps of previous Episodes without the written consent of the Performer. (e) Using a body double for a Performer (who did not originally perform in the nude in the Production) to create a nude or semi-nude scene in a Program shall not be done without the written consent of the Performer originally contracted for the Role. A complete description of the scene to be body-doubled will be submitted to the originally contracted Performer at the time his/her consent to the use of a double is sought. Using a body double for a Performer is permitted where a Performer was contracted for and performed in a nude or semi-nude scene in the Production and has given written consent, provided that the use of such body double is limited to the consent given. (f) With the consent of fellow Performers,in the scene,and with the consent of the director, the Performer may have his/her personal representative on the set. (g) Where necessary to verify contractual obligations, Performers may request to view the footage at the “fine-cut” stage of a scene in which they appear nude,semi-nude or in scenes of a sexual nature. Permission to view such footage shall not be unreasonably withheld.

BCMPA Working with Minors

A quick fact guide to select articles related to minors from the British Columbia Master Production Agreement.